
Exploring API and Postman : Insights From API 101 Postman Session on Youtube

  An API (Application Programming Interface) is like a bridge that enables different software applications to communicate and interact with each other. It defines the rules and tools developers can use to request and exchange data or perform specific tasks across various systems, making it easier to integrate and extend software functionalities. Recently, I had the pleasure of attending a Postman YouTube event that deepened my understanding on API essentials and its Methods of GET,POST,PUT and DELETE using Postman tool. This event was organized by Mayank Arora founder of SoarX and featured Krishanu Bujarbaruah as the speaker. In this blog, I will share some brief notes about the events that may help you get a basic understanding. Postman is a robust API development tool that simplifies the process of testing, documenting, and collaborating on APIs.  It provides a user-friendly interface where developers can create and send HTTP requests (such as GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) to interact wit

Top 10 Films Unveiling the Intriguing World of Religious Cults

TOP 10 Best Cult Movies Movies centered around religious cults and practices often delve into the intriguing and sometimes dark aspects of belief systems, indoctrination, and the dynamics within such groups. Here's a list of ten movies that explore these themes: ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1.  "The Wicker Man" (1973):                                                     This British horror film follows a police sergeant investigating the disappearance of a young girl on a remote Scottish island inhabited by a pagan cult. It explores themes of religious beliefs, rituals, and sacrifice. ...................................................................................................................................................................... 2.  "Midsommar" (2019):   A horror film that follows a group of friends who tra

Know about the Seals of King Solomon

 King Solomon's seals refer to a set of mystical symbols or sigils that are attributed to King Solomon in various traditions, particularly within Jewish mysticism (Kabbalah) and certain branches of Western occultism. According to legend, King Solomon was believed to possess great wisdom and power, including control over spirits and demons. The seals associated with King Solomon are often depicted as various symbols or designs, each believed to have specific magical properties or abilities. These seals are said to provide protection, aid in summoning spirits, or offer other mystical benefits when used in rituals, spells, or talismans. These seals are commonly found in grimoires or magical texts, such as the "Key of Solomon" or the "Lesser Key of Solomon." These texts contain instructions on how to create and use the seals, along with descriptions of their purposes and the spirits associated with them. It's important to note that beliefs and practices related